Hey, I’m Lars

A media student and starting entrepreneur sharing my journey as I learn, build, and figure things out 🚀

Welcome to My Corner of the Internet 👋

As Austin Kleon said in his book Show Your Work, we all need a little place on the internet to share our ideas and what we’re working on. This site is that place for me. So welcome! I hope you find something here that inspires or helps you.

My Work

What I’m Working On Right Now 🎯

This is a quick overview of the different things that I’m focusing on right now

Studying Creative Business

In 2023, I started studying Creative Business at NHL Stenden in Leeuwarden. This program blends creative work and media with management and leadership, giving me insights into the creative industry. It’s helping me develop the skills I need to one day run my own creative agency.

Starting Entrepreneur

I’ve always wanted to start my own business, and in 2024, I finally took the first step. I quickly realized I want to help people with Notion. Getting into entrepreneurship is a constant learning process, but it all starts with putting an idea into action—that’s the stage I’m in right now.

Video Editing

Next to my studies, I edit videos for clients. I love doing this work and learning from the talented people I get to collaborate with. It’s a job that challenges me creatively and helps me grow. While my goal is to run my own company, this job is an important step on that path.


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